Coaching Trajectory

Love Life & Let Go

Why this path of coaching?

The Coach Trajectory at Become O8 is about advising, healing and growing.

Mindful coaching supports in the learning curve of who you truly are, discovering yourself and discovering what you want in life, what kind of impact you want to make in life.

It’s about letting go. Letting go of, for example, dramas from the past, negative experiences and limiting beliefs and all sorts of things that hold you back. One thing it’s not about… it’s not about fixing you, because you’re not broken.

The most important thing to start with is whether there is a good match with your coach. You can discover this through a free intake interview, in which you get to know Michael and in which he explains the coaching process in detail.

All sessions can be given in Dutch or English.
Continue for more information down below.


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The Method is Mindfulness.

The Expression is Compassion.

The Essence is Wisdom

A step by step approach

It is important that we work purposefully and that is why every coaching trajectory is tailor-made. After your intake, Michael will set up a realistic program with achievable treatment goals. Of course all objectives are based on a forecast and can be adjusted during the trajectory.

Free intake include

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All the advice in the world will never help you until your ready to help yourself.

A journey of self-discovery!

You will work closely together with Michael so that you learn how to overcome the mental and physical challenges in a more balanced way. 

You learn to become aware of the underlying connections that cause certain complaints. If Michael is unable to resolve your complaints, he will signal this in time and advise you to another healthcare professional. He knows from experience where the limits lie and striving for a healthy results will ensure adequate treatment. 

There are evaluation moments in between and we can always expand the process when needed.

10 Coaching sessions includes

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Time & Format
Topics Include
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Benefits at a glance

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Ask questions, and evolve with his teaching!