Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

“Learning how to do meditation with Become O8 and my teacher Michael was extremely relevant, and sensitive. 

It is hard at first, but the qualifications of Michael help to get into it, and he teaches the exercises that fit with your interests.

This kind of meditation, mindfulness, is great because we can use it in our everyday lives. I am grateful for the lessons I had, and hope one day I can train with him again.”

~ Emma ~

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Coaching Trajectory

Increased self-awareness and engagement. Growth mindset and ownership of personal and professional development.

Donation Based Mindfulness

In this way it is accessible to everyone because not everyone with a socio-economic background can afford these trainings.

Mindful at Work

This is a tailor-made program in partnership with any company interested in the benefits of integrating mindfulness into the workplace and business.

Retreats and Workshop

The body is of utmost importance for our holistic health as it is here that the mental and spiritual realms reside.

Discover how mindfulness can help you develop more self-awareness, concentration and a healthy immune system. 

With authentic mindfulness and meditation techniques you learn to guide yourself to a path of inner peace.

To continue making mindfulness accessible to everyone we offer classes online, outdoor, in-person at a variety of locations.

lotus yl
Don't control every action, just observe the change within.
lotus yl

Mindful for everyone including you.

Donation Based Mindfulness

Michael Koymans
Every Wednesday

19:30 PM (CET)

These online sessions allows you to simply pay what you can afford. One of Michael’s goals is to increase inclusion and diversity. His view is to make this type of health care affordable for everyone.

lotus yl

A mind is like a parachute.
It doesn't work if it isn't open.

Mindful at work

lotus yl

Cherish your open mind.

Do not fix yourself on one kind of reality,

but always be open to new ideas and experiences.

Retreats and Workshops

lotus yl

Seek the truth in everything you do.

Michael Koymans

Mindfulness trainer

Why did I become a Mindfulness trainer?
In life and leadership, I get energy from helping individuals to lead with the right intention. The process of empowering others to take charge of their future and take meaningful steps is immensely satisfying.

I am inspired by the potential in each person to make an impact and participate in what drives them. Mindfulness is both powerful and life-changing, creating space in the here and now to explore options and gain clarity to move forward.